How can tofu be more nutritious? The Best Way to Eat Tofu

The sunset looks like a dream Ask questions on 2024-06-23 03:49:41
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The soybeans used to make tofu contain saponins, which can prevent atherosclerosis, but also promote the excretion of iodine in the human body. Long term excessive consumption of tofu is easy to cause iodine deficiency and iodine deficiency disease. Not only that, but especially the elderly who eat too much tofu will cause the decline of renal function.

How can tofu be more nutritious? The Best Way to Eat Tofu

In old age, the ability of the kidney to excrete waste decreases. If a large amount of tofu is consumed, the nitrogen containing waste generated in the body will increase, which will increase the burden on the kidney, further decline the function of the kidney, and is not conducive to health.

How to Eat Tofu Healthier

1. Put green vegetables and agaric to prevent diseases

Although bean curd is nutritious, it lacks dietary fiber. Eating it alone may cause constipation. Both vegetables and agaric contain rich dietary fiber, which can make up for this shortcoming of tofu.

In addition, agaric and green vegetables also contain many antioxidant ingredients that can improve immunity and prevent disease. When eaten with tofu, they have better disease resistance.

It should be noted that the content of oxalic acid in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and amaranth is high. You should blanch before cooking with tofu to avoid affecting the absorption of calcium in tofu.

2. With some meat, the protein is easy to absorb

Soybean has the reputation of "plant meat". It is the best protein food among plant foods. Tofu made from soybeans is not bad in protein. However, the content and proportion of protein and amino acids in tofu are not very reasonable, nor are they particularly suitable for human digestion and absorption.

If some food with high protein quality is added to tofu, it can complement tofu and make the protein of tofu better digested, absorbed and utilized by the human body. These high-quality protein foods are meat and eggs.

Therefore, bean curd with minced meat or preserved egg mixed with bean curd can better absorb their protein.

3. Add egg yolk, blood tofu, and more calcium

Just like taking calcium tablets and vitamin D supplements, eating tofu requires calcium supplements, which should be matched with some foods rich in vitamin D. Because vitamin D plays a very important role in the absorption and utilization of calcium.

Although tofu is very rich in calcium, and there is more calcium in northern tofu than in the same amount of milk, it can work more effectively with foods rich in vitamin D when eating tofu.

Egg yolks are rich in vitamin D, so delicious, smooth and tender egg yolk tofu is an excellent dish for calcium supplementation. The vitamin D content in animal viscera, such as liver and blood, is also high, so it is also ideal to make "red and white tofu" from white tofu and blood tofu.

Recommend the best combination of several groups of tofu

Tofu and kelp

Avoid iodine deficiency of saponins in tofu, which is beneficial to promote fat metabolism and prevent arteriosclerosis; But it is easy to cause iodine deficiency in the body. Eating with kelp can avoid this problem.

Bean curd and radish

Avoid indigestion. Tofu is rich in plant protein, but eating more can cause indigestion. Radish is helpful for digestion. Eating with radish can eliminate this disadvantage.

Tofu fish

The protein contained in tofu is deficient in methionine and lysine, while fish is deficient in phenylalanine. The protein composition of tofu and fish together is more reasonable and has higher nutritional value.

The sunset looks like a dream 2024-06-24 11:10:36

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