What is the purulent condition under men

Life is enough Ask questions on May 15, 2024-18:38:36
Recommended answer

The anatomy of male urinary system is characterized by long and curved urethra and strong local defense, so it is not easy for men to get urinary system infection. Therefore, if a male has urethral discharge, the most common is sexually transmitted diseases caused by a history of unclean sexual behavior, such as gonococcal urethritis or common mixed urethritis. In addition to purulent urethra, this type of patient also has tingling, burning sensation of urination, frequent urination, urgency of urination and endless feeling of urination. Therefore, patients need to do routine urine tests to determine whether the number of white blood cells and bacteria are increased, and send pus for bacterial culture to identify pathogens to guide the use of appropriate antibiotics. In addition, the patient prohibited sexual life for 2 to 4 weeks during the treatment period. Keep your underwear clean, change it every day and scald it with boiling water.

Life is enough 2024-05-20 11:23:16

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