Efficacy of Gansu Granules

Cloud Roll Cloud Shu Ask questions at 04:57:03, April 26, 2024
Recommended answer

Gansu Granule is a traditional Chinese medicine. Its main functions are to reduce enzymes, protect the liver, reduce jaundice, and strengthen the spleen. In clinical practice, we can use it for chronic active hepatitis, and hepatitis B can also be used for acute viral hepatitis. When taking the medicine, one bag at a time, three times a day. Children should reduce the dosage as appropriate, and avoid spicy, stimulating and greasy food during the medication. If the symptoms are not relieved after taking the medicine for five days, you should go to the hospital in time, and monitor the liver function regularly during taking the medicine. If it is to be used with other drugs at the same time, drug interactions may occur. Consult a doctor or pharmacist for details before using the drug. Its validity period is 24 months. When the properties of the drug change, it is prohibited to use this drug.

Cloud Roll Cloud Shu 2024-04-28 17:50:18

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