What causes runny nose

Flowers too fragrant Ask questions at 05:37:13, 2024-05-23
Recommended answer

Rhinitis is the most common type of runny nose, such as acute rhinitis and allergic rhinitis. Patients may have runny nose, sneezing, nasal itching, nasal congestion and other symptoms. If it is a runny nose, it is caused by sinusitis. Patients with acute sinusitis will have fever, blocked nose, runny nose, and facial swelling; Chronic sinusitis patients will suffer from chronic nasal congestion, runny nose, dizziness and other symptoms. So if you have runny nose, you must go to the hospital. If it is caused by rhinitis, it can be sprayed with hormone drugs; If there is nasal congestion, nasal decongestant can be used for nasal spray treatment, and most patients will be completely relieved after treatment. If the chronic runny nose is caused by sinusitis, acute sinusitis can be treated with oral antibiotics and hormone drugs; If it is chronic sinusitis, drug treatment is not effective, and surgery is usually required.

Flowers too fragrant 2024-05-27 11:14:28

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