How to drink tea to be healthy? What should be paid attention to when drinking tea

Empty man, empty world Ask questions on June 23, 2024-17:31:39
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Many people have the habit of drinking tea. Tea is the best drink for middle-aged and elderly people. Tea is rich in vitamins, protein and fat. Regular drinking can regulate physiological functions and has a good health care effect. Tea drinking has many taboos. How much do you know? Here are 8 taboos you should pay attention to when drinking tea. Those 9 taboos will harm your health.

How to drink tea to be healthy? What should be paid attention to when drinking tea

What should be paid attention to when drinking tea

1. Don't rush to drink new tea:

The tea that has just been picked for less than a month has not been placed for a long time, and the polyphenols, alcohols, aldehydes and other beneficial substances have not been fully oxidized, which may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, abdominal distention and other adverse reactions after drinking. In addition, the content of caffeine, active alkaloids and various aromatic substances in new tea is also high, which is easy to excite the nervous system and cause "drunk tea" phenomena such as limb weakness, cold sweat and insomnia.

2. Don't drink tea after drinking:

When drinking tea after drinking, the theophylline in the tea can quickly diuretic effect on the kidney, thus allowing the undecomposed acetaldehyde to enter the kidney prematurely. Acetaldehyde can stimulate the kidney and affect the renal function. Not only that, alcohol after drinking is also very stimulating to the cardiovascular system. Tea also has the effect of exciting the heart. The combination of the two enhances the stimulation of the heart.

3. Do not drink tea on an empty stomach or after meals:

Drinking tea on an empty stomach will dilute gastric juice, reduce digestive function, and increase the absorption rate of water, resulting in a large number of harmful ingredients in tea entering the body, causing dizziness, panic, weakness of hands and feet and other symptoms. Tea contains a large amount of tannic acid, which can react with iron in food to produce new substances that are difficult to dissolve. A long time can cause anemia. The correct method is to drink tea one hour after meals.

4. Don't drink tea before going to bed:

This is particularly important for early tea drinkers. Many people have difficulty falling asleep after drinking tea before going to bed, even affecting their mental state the next day. This is especially important for people with neurasthenia and insomnia.

5. Don't drink tea for the first time:

Tea will be polluted by pesticides and other harmful substances in the process of cultivation and processing, and there will always be some residues on the surface of tea. Therefore, the first time of tea has a washing effect and should be abandoned.

6. Pay attention to the quantity of tea:

Drink 2 -- ‐ 6g tea every day. Although tea contains a variety of vitamins and amino acids, drinking tea has a certain role in clearing oil, resolving fat, enhancing nerve excitement, and digestion and diuresis. But the more you drink, the better, and not everyone is suitable for drinking tea. Generally speaking, 2-3 grams of tea is suitable for 1-2 times a day. It is not suitable for people with neurasthenia, stomach disease and intestinal ulcer. It is also not suitable for lactating women, pregnant women and infants.

7. Do not drink strong tea or hot tea:

Generally speaking, tea should be light rather than strong. The effective ingredients in tea can be rapidly extracted by boiling water. Some green tea with high tenderness, such as Longjing tea, can be brewed with boiling water at 80 ℃ to 85 ℃ to make the tea pure in aroma and mellow in taste. President Tang reminded that people's esophageal wall is very delicate and can only tolerate food at 50 ℃ to 60 ℃. Drinking too hot tea is easy to burn the epithelial cells of the mouth, throat and esophagus. Frequent repeated burns are easy to cause mutations in epithelial cells and become a potential cancer hazard.

8. Tea and medicine cannot be drunk at the same time:

Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, do not drink tea immediately after taking it, let alone use tea to deliver medicine, or it will affect the effective absorption of medicine.

9. People with cardiovascular disease, people with weak spleen and stomach, and those who are prone to insomnia are not suitable to drink a lot of tea.

Empty man, empty world 2024-06-24 11:10:36

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