Tips for making juice bright and not easy to browning

Mature physical and mental exhaustion Ask on 2024-06-22 01:50:23
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Fruit and vegetable juice is the perfect match for many people's breakfast, which is convenient and delicious. However, some experts said that eating fruits and vegetables is to absorb its minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber. During the process of making juice, many vitamins, especially vitamin C, will be oxidized quickly, and anthocyanins will be destroyed. In addition, many people only drink juice for the sake of taste comfort, and fruit and vegetable dregs are often poured out, which is equivalent to throwing away dietary fiber. What are the fruit juice matching items? Let's follow and have a look!

Many people do not know that fruit and vegetable juice is often blanched in commercial production. That is to say, we need to scald the fruits and vegetables in boiling water slightly to "kill" the oxidase, and let the tissue slightly soften, and then squeeze the juice. In this way, not only the loss of vitamins will be reduced and the juice yield will be increased, but also the juice will be bright and not easy to browning. Especially those vegetables without sour taste, such as carrots, vegetables, celery, and fresh sweet corn, must be scalded before being squeezed. In addition, sour fruits such as lemon can be added to make up for the damaged vitamin C when squeezing.

1. Orange and carrot

Carrots and oranges both contain a lot of vitamins. Carrots also contain carotene, which will become vitamin A to prevent night blindness after being decomposed in the intestinal tract. The combination of the two can beautify and beautify the skin.

2. Sydney cucumber

Both Sydney and cucumber are vegetables and fruits with high water content, which have the effect of clearing away heat and reducing fire. The sweetness of Sydney and the freshness of cucumber are very suitable for drinking in summer.

3. Papaya honey orange juice

Papaya contains proteolytic enzymes, which can help decompose protein and starch. Honey has the effect of moistening the intestines. Orange juice contains vitamin C and plant fiber. The combination of the three can promote gastrointestinal activities, moisten the intestines and relieve constipation, and improve gastrointestinal discomfort such as indigestion and constipation.

4. Milk banana papaya

Milk plus papaya is a classic combination. Bananas have high sugar content and low water content. When squeezed with bananas, they will emit a strong sweet smell.

5. Watermelon and lemon

Watermelon contains a large amount of water. It also contains citrulline, arginine and other diuretic ingredients. In addition to a large amount of vitamins, lemon also has the effect of relieving stagnation and strengthening the stomach. The combination of the two can remove edema and relieve summer heat.

6. Apple, cabbage and honey

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, calcium and carotene. Eating more apples can improve the respiratory system and lung function, and protect the lungs from the impact of dust and smoke in the air. The combination of the two can soften blood vessels and prevent hypertension, arteriosclerosis and constipation.

7. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and insulin like components, which can reduce blood sugar, blood fat, lose weight, and beautify the skin. Studies have found that grapes can better prevent thrombosis than aspirin, and can lower the level of human serum cholesterol, reduce platelet cohesion, and also have a certain role in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

8. Kiwi fruit and mint juice

Ingredients: 3 kiwifruit, 1 apple, 2-3 peppermint leaves.

How to do it: wash the materials, peel and cut the kiwi fruit into four pieces, and cut the apple into pieces without peeling. Mint leaves are crushed in a juice machine, and then mixed with kiwi fruit and apple to make juice. Stir well and drink at room temperature or refrigerate according to personal preference. Kiwi fruit not only has excellent taste, but also has the highest nutritional value among fruits. It is not only rich in vitamin C with whitening effect, but also has a large amount of vitamin A that can reduce wrinkles. In addition to cool mint, it can be frozen slightly before drinking. The taste is even more unforgettable.

9. Orange and pineapple juice

Orange and pineapple juice can resist skin aging, 100g pineapple, 1 orange, 5g celery, 1/2 tomato. 1/3 lemon, 1 teaspoon honey. Peel oranges, pineapples and tomatoes, and cut them into appropriate sizes. After peeled, lemon and celery are all put into the press for juice, and honey is added as you like.

10. Carambola apple juice

Ingredients: 1 apple, 1 carambola, 1/3 lemon, some honey, and some water.

Method: Wash the carambola, remove the hard edges and corners, and cut into pieces. Rinse and peel the apples and cut them into small pieces. Soak in light salt water for a while. Soak apples in light salt water for a while to prevent oxidation, and wash them to remove the salt flavor before pressing. Add proper amount of water to the apple and carambola pieces and put them into the juicer. Stir for 3 to 5 minutes until they become mud. Remove the residue and bubbles with a filter screen. Take one third of the lemon and remove the seeds. Squeeze the lemon juice into the apple carambola juice. Filter twice again to remove bubbles. Add proper amount of honey to the beaten juice for seasoning. You can also cut carambola into cups, pour in juice, and decorate with apple blossom.

Efficacy: strengthen antibody, supplement nutrition, detumescence and pharynx.

11. Carambola and Snow Pear Juice

Ingredients: 1 Sydney, 1 carambola.


1. Wash the two kinds of fruits and cut them in half. If it's the amount one person drinks, use half of them.

2. Dice them separately and put them into the cooking machine for beating.

3. It is very thick after beating, and there is a lot of slag, which is filtered off.

4. If it's hot, you can add some ice cubes.

Efficacy: It can clear away heat, reduce fire, promote pharynx, promote fluid production, quench thirst, and facilitate urination.

12. Celery and Snow Pear Juice

Celery is made from celery with thick stems, about 100g. With a Sydney, you can squeeze out a full glass of juice. Celery and Sydney juice has a light taste. A piece of mint leaf is added to the juice, which has a good summer relieving effect. However, if you don't like this bland taste, you can also mix tomato juice and add some white granulated sugar to taste it.

Efficacy: Celery and snow pear juice is rich in a lot of cellulose, which is a holy product to moisten the intestines, relieve constipation, detoxify and beautify the face.

Through the understanding of the above contents, we believe that we all know what fruit juice matching is. However, fruit juice can not replace fruit, and some dregs will be filtered out after juice pressing. These dregs are plant fibers. Long term use of fruit juice instead of fruit will lead to reduced intake of plant fibers and constipation.

Mature physical and mental exhaustion 2024-06-24 11:10:46

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