What are the causes of anal pain

glorious flowers in spring and solid fruits in autumn Ask on 02:34:10, June 1, 2024
Recommended answer

If there is persistent pain in the anus clinically, generally speaking, the following diseases should be considered. First, hemorrhoids, especially incarcerated internal hemorrhoids or thrombotic external hemorrhoids, will cause persistent pain at the anus. If the perianal examination is carried out, the suddenly enlarged external hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids as well as the internal hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids that cannot be retracted into the anus can also be found. Second, perianal abscess, perianal abscess is also a suppurative lesion of perianal soft tissue. Generally speaking, it will cause redness, swelling, heat and pain at the infection site, and the pain is mostly persistent distension and pain. Third, perianal eczema. After the acute period, perianal eczema is easy to cause skin chaps, which will cause persistent pain and worsen during activities or defecation.

glorious flowers in spring and solid fruits in autumn 2024-06-03 12:21:02

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