What to eat in late summer and early autumn? Recommend 3 fire fighting recipes

If you want to hold a rose, you must bear the pain Ask on 2024-06-21 07:16:53
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At this time of late summer and early autumn, the weather is still extremely hot. However, new mothers who want to have a confinement are very likely to have the symptom of catching fire. What can we eat to prevent catching fire during the confinement? Here, we recommend 3 recipes that can help new mothers prevent and cure fire during the month. Don't miss them.

A recipe for reducing fire in late summer and early autumn

Boiled Pear with White Sugar

Many people know that sydney stewed with rock sugar can be a good treatment for cough during pregnancy. In fact, in addition to snow pears stewed with rock sugar, pears boiled with white sugar can also treat coughs. However, compared with the treatment of cough, the effect of pear boiled with sugar is better. So, whether in pregnancy or in the puerperal period, if you have symptoms of burning, you can properly eat pears boiled with sugar water for a few days. Of course, you can only eat pears. Don't drink too much sugar water.

Ingredients required: sugar, Sydney

How to make it: First, peel the prepared Sydney, and then cut the pear into small pieces. After that, add proper amount of water into the pot, boil it, put the pear meat into the pot after boiling it, add proper amount of sugar, and simmer it for about 20 minutes on low heat.

Mung bean soup

Many people know that mung bean soup has a good effect on reducing summer heat. In fact, mung bean soup not only has the effect of reducing summer heat, but also has a good effect of reducing fire, detoxifying, clearing heat and dryness. Therefore, if it is heated during the lunar month, you can properly cook some hot mung bean soup to replace the staple food and eat it until it is good.

Ingredients required: mung beans, honey

How to make it: First, prepare a proper amount of mung beans, and then clean them. After cleaning, pour the mung beans into clean water to soak for about one hour. After soaking the mung beans, put them directly into the soup pot. Add proper amount of water into the soup pot. First boil them over high heat, and then slowly simmer them over low heat until they are cooked. Then add proper amount of honey. After stirring evenly, they can be eaten directly out of the pot.

Stir fried Lotus Root

Maybe many people do not know that women are easy to get angry after childbirth, and there may be endless lochia. And lotus root has a good recuperation effect for postpartum fever, postpartum lochia and other symptoms. In addition, eat some light stir fried lotus root, which has good effects of clearing heat and cooling blood, strengthening spleen and appetizing, promoting fluid and thirst, activating blood and muscle. Therefore, for women in the puerperal period, whether it is to prevent or treat burning, eating some lotus root soup or stir fried lotus root soup properly in the puerperal period will be very helpful to the recovery of the body.

Ingredients required: lotus root, shallot

How to make it: First, remove the skin of the lotus root, and then cut the lotus root into thin slices. Then, after the oil pan is heated, first stir fry the shallots in the oil, and then take them out of the pan. After that, add proper amount of oil to heat up, then pour the cut lotus root slices into the pot and stir fry them, add proper amount of salt and seasoning, wait until they are about to be cooked, then pour the shallots into the pot, stir fry them until they are cooked, and then directly turn off the fire to eat.

Of course, if you find it troublesome to stir fry lotus root, cooking lotus root porridge can also relieve the symptoms of burning in autumn.

If you have burning symptoms, it is better to try the above recipes.

If you want to hold a rose, you must bear the pain 2024-06-24 11:10:10

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