What is the cause of acne on the forehead

South of the sea is no longer blue Ask on April 25, 2024 08:23:27
Recommended answer

The acne on the forehead is more common in acne, also called acne. There are pimples on the forehead and irregular diet, often eat some stimulating food, some spicy fried food, easy to lead to pimples on the forehead. Also, the pores are blocked, the face is not thoroughly cleaned, and bacteria in the pores multiply, causing folliculitis and acne. Also, due to endocrine disorders, irregular work and rest, it is easy to lead to endocrine disorders, increased secretion of sebaceous glands, leading to acne on the forehead. People who often have irregular schedules are prone to this situation. Therefore, we should work and rest regularly, eat light food, avoid spicy and stimulating food, and pay attention to personal hygiene.

South of the sea is no longer blue 2024-04-28 17:50:58

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