What to pay attention to pleurisy

Handle affairs steadily Ask questions on May 28, 2024-11:25:10
Recommended answer

1. Patients with pleurisy should be particularly popular in diet and develop a good diet habit. It is very helpful for the treatment of patients with pleurisy. They should eat a proper diet, rich in nutrition, avoid spicy food, often breathe fresh air, and eat more green vegetables, such as Chinese cabbage, cabbage, spinach, cabbage, beef, milk, viscera of egg animals, poultry, and bean products. 2. Patients suffering from pleurisy should also pay attention to exercise at ordinary times. They should not be bedridden all day long, disturb their mood and passively restrain themselves. They should participate in sports to strengthen their physique. 3. Since the infection of TB bacilli is the direct cause of this disease, we should try our best to reduce the contact with pulmonary tuberculosis patients, especially active pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Patients with pleurisy should also pay attention to their daily life and have a reasonable life, which is helpful to their condition.

Handle affairs steadily 2024-06-03 12:20:59

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