How to eat kudzu powder

Womanly flower Ask questions on 2024-06-21 07:46:32
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Pueraria powder is a natural nutrient, which has a good effect on our health. For women, it is a good thing, because it can play a role in beauty and skin care, and can also help women achieve the goal of breast enlargement, which is favored by women. Therefore, more and more women are starting to eat Pueraria powder. So, what are the ways to eat Pueraria powder? Now, experts will introduce to us.

According to experts, kudzu powder is a kind of natural health care product with multiple effects. It can not only repair the skin, but also effectively regulate the endocrine. It also has a good auxiliary treatment effect for high blood pressure, high blood fat and high blood sugar. The following experts will introduce the way to eat kudzu powder.

Several Ways to Eat Pueraria Powder

1、 Prepare Pueraria Flour Take 15g Pueraria Flour and put it into a bowl. Add a little sugar. (You can also add honey or milk according to your own taste.) First, use a small amount of cold boiled water to mix it into a paste (too much cold boiled water can lead to uncooked brewing), and then quickly use boiling water to make a paste. It can also be heated in the microwave oven and oven for 1 to 2 minutes after being homogenized, and then cooked. In midsummer, if you put it into the refrigerator and freeze it into jelly, it will be another delicious food.

2、 Pueraria lobata powder can be used to replace starch for thickening, soup mixing, meat mixing and other places where starch is needed. It is delicious and nutritious.

3、 Sober up pueraria powder drink sober up: take a small amount of pueraria powder according to the eating method before drinking, which can avoid harm to human body caused by drinking on an empty stomach or excessive drinking; Drunken people can take a small amount of kudzu root powder according to the eating method, which has the effect of sober up.

4、 Pueraria powder is used to clear heat and drink a proper amount of green tea. Add liquorice or sugar (liquorice is recommended and tastes good) to it and boil or brew it together. When the air is slightly warm, pour the tea into a small amount of kudzu powder to boil it (you can also use a moderate amount of warm water to boil the kudzu powder, and then pour the boiling tea into it), and then put it into the microwave oven for about 2 minutes, or put it in the pot to heat it into a thick body. It tastes delicious. Tip: It is not necessary to put a lot of kudzu powder when making a heat clearing drink. It is best to make it thinner, which is suitable for summer.

5、 First melt the kudzu root and a little water into the kudzu milk porridge. When the porridge is almost cooked, pour it in. Then boil it for a while, add some milk and a little salt. If you like it, you can put peanuts and beans in it before. (This porridge is good for breast enhancement and beauty. It is suitable for breakfast.)

6、 Take a small amount of osmanthus honey or osmanthus, beat a few pieces of pine nut sugar in the garlic mortar, and add them when making kudzu root powder. The osmanthus flower is put last. It tastes delicious!

7: Put a spoonful of this product into a bowl, mix it with cold boiled water to form a slurry, then add proper amount of white sugar to make it even, and then it can be used when boiling water of 95 degrees or above is used to make a paste.

8: Take a portion of this product and make it into a paste with cold water. Pour it into a small boiling oil pan in several times, stir well and turn it into a pancake. Pick it up and cut it into pieces, which can be mixed with the double cooked meat. It is a rare table delicacy with infinite taste.

Womanly flower 2024-06-24 11:10:33

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