How about medication for anal fissure

A faint smell of smoke Ask questions on 2024-05-20 18:26:48
Recommended answer

The drug treatment of anal fissure is generally taken orally, smoked and washed, and applied locally. The effect is obvious in the early stage of anal fissure. The purpose of oral medicine is mainly to moisten the intestines and relieve constipation, tonify the middle and replenish qi, strengthen the body and eliminate dampness and other Chinese herbal medicines, which are treated according to syndrome differentiation, adjust the balance of yin and yang in the human body, and improve the immunity and resistance of the body. Mostly, the fumigation and washing method adopts the sitz bath, which can remove blood stasis, dissipate knots, diminish swelling and relieve pain through water temperature and local skin absorption, promote local blood circulation and relieve anal sphincter spasm. It is generally carried out after defecation every day. Local application of ointment on anal fissure is generally for the purpose of removing decay, generating muscle, diminishing inflammation and killing bacteria. These three drug treatments are widely used in clinical practice.

A faint smell of smoke 2024-05-27 11:14:28

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