What causes male glans blistering

Acacia turns into red tears Ask questions at 05:45:39, June 1, 2024
Recommended answer

The glans of normal men is generally light red, without redness, swelling, foreign bodies, secretions, blisters, nodules and lumps on the surface. If blisters appear on the glans, what are the common conditions? After circumcision, herpes virus infection, allergic balanitis, and repeated rubbing of the glans on underpants can all lead to blisters on the glans. If there are blisters on the glans, it is recommended to come to the hospital as soon as possible to find out what kind of disease is causing the blisters. If it is herpes virus infection, both husband and wife should be treated together. If it is allergic, anti allergic treatment should be given. If it is necessary to give symptomatic treatment for repeated friction, topical antibiotics should be used. If it is blister after prepuce operation, it can be absorbed by itself.

Acacia turns into red tears 2024-06-03 12:20:13

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