How should the elderly supplement calcium? These five kinds of food help the elderly to supplement calcium

Gently dance in the sky Ask on 22:59:04, June 21, 2024
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Calcium deficiency in the elderly can lead to many diseases, the most common being osteoporosis. The patient's bones are small, hollow and fragile like pumice. How to supplement calcium for the elderly? What is the best calcium supplement for the elderly? Let's have a look with Xiao Bian.

The most suitable food for the elderly to supplement calcium

1. Milk

Half catty milk, containing 300 mg of calcium, contains amino acids, lactic acid, minerals and vitamins to promote the digestion and absorption of calcium. Moreover, the calcium in milk is more easily absorbed by the human body. Therefore, milk should be the main food for daily calcium supplementation. Other dairy products such as yogurt, cheese and milk tablets are good sources of calcium.

2. Bean products

Soybean is a high protein food with high calcium content. 500 grams of soy milk contains 120 mg of calcium, 150 grams of tofu contains 500 mg of calcium, and other bean products are also good calcium supplements. In addition, experts from Changchun Bone Trauma Hospital remind you that soymilk needs to be boiled 7 times before it can be eaten. Tofu cannot be eaten with some vegetables, such as spinach. Spinach contains oxalic acid, which can be combined with calcium to form calcium oxalate complexes, hindering the absorption of calcium by the human body. Tofu and other bean products should not be cooked with spinach. However, when bean products are cooked with meat, they are delicious and nutritious.

3. Kelp and shrimp skin

Kelp and shrimp skin are high calcium seafood. If you eat 25 grams a day, you can add 300 mg of calcium. And they can also reduce blood fat and prevent arteriosclerosis.

Kelp and meat are boiled together, and then cold mixed. They are good food. Shrimp skin contains high calcium content. 25g of shrimp skin contains 500 mg of calcium. It is a good choice for daily calcium supplement to make soup and stuffing with shrimp skin.

4. Animal bone

More than 80% of animal bones are calcium, but they are insoluble in water and difficult to absorb. Therefore, when making food, they can be smashed in advance, and then slowly cooked with vinegar. When eating, remove the floating oil and add vegetables to make delicious soup.

Friendly Note: Fish bones can also be used as calcium supplements, but you should pay attention to selecting appropriate methods. Dry fried fish and stewed fish can soften fish bones, facilitate calcium absorption, and can be eaten directly.

5. Vegetables

There are also many high calcium varieties in vegetables. Shirley contains 230 mg of calcium per 100 grams of cabbage, rape, fennel, coriander, celery, etc. It contains about 150 mg of calcium per 100 grams of calcium.

Recommended recipes for calcium supplementation for the elderly

Stir fried leek with shrimp skin: 50g shrimp skin, bubble hair after washing; 250g leeks, cut into sections after washing. Stir fry the leeks for several minutes in a wok of Wanghuo oil. Add refined salt, cooking wine and ginger powder after sauteering the shrimps, then sauteed and sauteed the shrimps with Wanghuo oil. Add refined salt to taste and eat.

Milk and egg yolk soup: mix 5 egg yolks, 25g flour, 50g cooked pork, 100g cooked chicken slices, 500g chicken soup, and a little refined salt. 25g flour, stir fried with cooked pork into flour paste; Boil the chicken soup into the oil and dissolve it. Add milk, iodized salt and monosodium glutamate; Immediately set the soup pot on fire and add the egg yolk into the pot. Divide the chicken slices into 4 bowls to hold the soup, which can be taken 4 times.

Precautions for calcium supplementation

The elderly should pay attention to the food matching when taking calcium supplements. The above foods are suitable for the general middle-aged and elderly people. Some elderly people may not adapt to some of these foods. At this time, they should adjust in time according to their own conditions. The physical function of the elderly has declined. The calcium in food is not as good as that of young people, and the absorption of calcium is also greatly reduced. Therefore, the elderly are not only recommended to supplement food, but also recommended to cooperate with calcium. that. The hyperbolic cosine of. Marginal calcium supplementation has a good effect on preventing osteoporosis and osteoporosis in the elderly, and plays an important role in the health of the elderly! The elderly can usually exercise outdoors and bask in the sun, which is also very helpful for calcium absorption.

Gently dance in the sky 2024-06-24 11:10:10

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