Is the last red digit of the water meter 1 ton or 0.1 ton

as boundless as the sea and sky Ask on June 9, 2024-23:35:38
Recommended answer

The last red digit of the water meter indicates the unit of flow, usually 0.1 cubic meter or 1 cubic meter. Therefore, if the last red digit of the water meter is 1, it represents the flow of 1 cubic meter, that is, 1 ton of water. If the last red digit of the water meter is 0.1, it represents the flow of 0.1 cubic meters, that is, 0.1 tons of water. Therefore, to determine whether the last red digit of the water meter represents 1 ton or 0.1 ton, it is necessary to observe the flow unit marked on the water meter.

as boundless as the sea and sky 2024-06-11 11:32:08

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