What to pay attention to after cervical polyp surgery

Come here to have a chat Ask questions on 2024-06-01 16:04:41
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After the cervical polyp operation, the following precautions should be taken: 1. Rest should be taken after the operation to avoid fatigue and strenuous exercise. 2. The diet is mainly light. You can eat more high protein foods, such as beef, eggs, etc., and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. 3. Sexual life and bath are prohibited within 15 days after operation to avoid inducing retrograde infection. 4. Pay attention to the cleanness of the vulva, clean it with clean water every day, and change the underwear frequently. 5. If there is an inflammatory attack, active treatment should be taken after the operation. 6. Regular reexamination and cervical cancer screening shall be carried out to find out whether there is recurrence or disease. Cervical polyps are usually caused by long-term stimulation of chronic inflammation. The main symptoms are abnormal vaginal bleeding, leukorrhea, menstrual disorders, etc. Some patients have no symptoms. At present, the treatment of cervical polyps is mainly surgery.

Come here to have a chat 2024-06-03 12:20:13

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