What is the cause of pain in both kidneys

How tender is unrequited love Ask questions at 05:19:02, 2024-05-28
Recommended answer

If there is pain in bilateral renal areas, it is necessary to first consider whether it is caused by kidney stones, especially if there is difficulty in urinating, or there is bleeding in urination. It is necessary to check the color ultrasound of the kidney and ureter. If there is a stone, it needs to be treated symptomatically with some drugs for removing stones. If it is a serious stone, the stone is relatively large, and some ureteroscopes need to be done to remove it. If the pain is caused by bending over to bear weight or after tiredness, consider the muscle strain of the waist, or the problem of lumbar disc protrusion. You can check the MRI of the lumbar spine. If it is muscle strain, you need to lie on a hard bed. If it is a relatively serious herniation of the intervertebral disc, leading to spinal canal stenosis, or lumbar degenerative disease, some acupuncture, massage and massage rehabilitation treatment is needed.

How tender is unrequited love 2024-06-03 12:21:09

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