How did hemorrhoids come about

Recalling the past Ask questions at 20:50:42 on April 21, 2024
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Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of hemorrhoids is mostly related to wind, dampness, blood stasis and qi deficiency. Hemorrhoids can be caused by overwork, improper diet, long sitting and standing, and long-term constipation. In Western medicine, it is generally believed that the formation of hemorrhoids is related to the following factors: 1. Dietary factors. If you eat spicy and stimulating food for a long time, such as pepper, pepper, mustard, it is easy to cause hemorrhoid venous plexus to appear endovascular inflammation, periphlebitis, which can lead to fibrosis of some vascular walls, brittle thinning, and local varices. 2、 Some anatomical factors are also easy to lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. The anus and rectum are located in the lower part of the human body. Because of the pressure of gravity and organs, the upward flow of veins is blocked, so hemorrhoids are easy to occur. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins. If it is difficult to excrete stool for a long time, the stool will produce greater pressure on the lower part of the rectum, which is also easy to form hemorrhoids.

Recalling the past 2024-04-22 11:51:37

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