How long does it usually take from stage 1 to advanced stage of penis cancer

Quiet as lotus Ask questions at 06:19:49, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

At present, there is no specific time from the first stage to the late stage of penis cancer. The vast majority of penis cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. This kind of tumor is generally not malignant, and the tumor progress is generally slow. Therefore, early surgical treatment after the discovery of penis cancer is the best choice. If the tumor is confined to the prepuce, circumcision can be performed; if laser treatment can be performed on the glans, radiation treatment can also be performed; if it is in the advanced stage of penis cancer, partial or total penis resection can be performed, and the surgical effect is quite satisfactory. If the degree of tumor invasion is relatively high, postoperative chemotherapy can be considered, and bleomycin, fluorouracil, etc. are recommended for chemotherapy. It is recommended to deal with penile cancer at an early stage after it is found. The typical symptoms at the early stage are papular changes on the glans and foreskin, or chronic ulcers that cannot be treated well for a long time. These symptoms can be found, diagnosed and treated early.

Quiet as lotus 2024-05-20 11:23:10

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