The penis is always erect. What causes it

Men on Mars Ask questions at 10:17:13, May 17, 2024
Recommended answer

From the perspective of western medicine, the abnormal erection of the penis has not been fully explained. Whether from the pathological or etiological aspects, it is basically believed that it is the disorder of the regulation mechanism of the cavernous body and arteries of the penis, and most of the reasons affecting this disorder are systemic diseases or diseases of the reproductive organs themselves. It is also related to some people taking special drugs, such as tuberculosis, leukemia, sickle anemia, or spinal cord erectile center damage, as well as common prostatitis, balanitis, which can cause frequent penis erection. Drugs are usually used to reduce blood pressure or overdose drugs. The characteristic of this erection is that patients often have no excitability and no desire for sex, but they will unconsciously have frequent or continuous erections, which is called Yang Qiang Yi Ju in Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is generally divided into two types, namely, yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity type and damp heat downpour type. Most patients with yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity will be accompanied by testicular pain, waist acid, upset, and sexual desire hyperactivity, but there will also be physical weakness, accompanied by night sweats, five heart upset heat and other symptoms. Zhibai Dihuang Pill is usually used for treatment. If it is a damp heat downpour type, it is mostly seen in patients with irritability, temper tantrums, yellow urination and burning pain. Longdan Xiegan Decoction is generally selected for treatment. The above drugs are recommended to consult relevant doctors in regular hospitals.

Men on Mars 2024-05-20 11:23:16

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