What soup to drink in spring? What soup is suitable for spring

Sunrise Ask questions on 2024-06-22 12:54:34
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Spring soup should not be too greasy and hot. The raw materials can be lean meat, poultry and fish. The medicinal materials can be Codonopsis pilosula, sea cucumber, medlar, lily, Huaishan, etc. The lean meat, fresh fish, dried shrimps, peeled chicken or duck meat, rabbit meat, winter melon, loofah, radish, konjak, tomato, laver, kelp, mung bean sprouts, etc. are good low-fat soup. The body is full of fire, and you can choose clear fire products such as mung beans, kelp, winter melon, lotus seeds, etc. Chicken soup, fish head tofu soup, dried vegetable soup, and winter melon soup are all suitable for drinking in spring.

Fish head soup

Spring Nutrition Soup Recipe

Pork Slices Soup with Amaranth

The green amaranth in spring is better than the red amaranth. After cooking, the vegetables are smooth and the soup is fresh, and the strong vegetables with short stems are the best.

Just boil the water, add salt, and then put meat slices and amaranth to boil. This soup has a strong fragrance, and cooking amaranth with a little more oil will make it more oily and delicious.

Sesame Yifu Soup

Ingredients: food: one or two black sesame seeds, four lemon slices, one Sydney, one egg or four quail eggs. Medicine: six red dates.

Function: Sesame has the effect of moistening intestines and skin, and can black beard and black hair. The upper part of the composition can prevent the skin from drying, cracking and peeling, and make the skin smooth, tender and beautiful.

Production method: wash the black sesame, place it in a mixer and mix it well to form a paste; Lemon slices; Put two bowls of water, first boil red dates (cored), then add pears (cut into pieces), 10 minutes later add eggs (whole), and then add black sesame seeds and a little sugar for a while. Mix them into soup to eat.

This soup is the most widely used by beauty people at the moment. It is economical and simple. It can clear and smooth the bowels, benefit the skin and prevent aging.

Stewed Fish Head with Ligusticum chuanxiong and Angelica dahurica

Ingredients: 6g Chuanxiong, 9g Baizhi, 200g silver carp head. Method: Wash the fish head, add sliced Chuanxiong and Angelica dahurica, add proper amount of water, and stew in water.

Note: The dosage of Chuanxiong should not be too much; If there is dizziness due to excessive moonshine or yin deficiency and fire, headache should not be eaten.

Efficacy: It can calm and relieve pain, dispel wind and promote blood circulation, and make men and women suffer from headache.

Salted Vegetable and Carp Soup

Salted vegetable and carp soup This is a traditional Guangdong Chaozhou dish, which tastes delicious.

Choose 1 piece of fresh carp, about 500g, and remove the viscera without removing scales. This soup is light, so it is unnecessary to fry the carp in oil.

Select Cheng Caifu, slice and dip lightly, then cook with carp until the taste is the same.

Tips for making soup

When cooking soup, the order of high fire, medium fire and low fire is followed. The heat is subject to the boiling degree of the soup. If the soup is boiled, the protein molecules in the meat will be destroyed. The lid of the pot cannot be opened and water cannot be added in the middle of slow cooking on low heat, because the meat being heated shrinks when it is cold, and the protein is not easy to dissolve, so the original fresh flavor of the soup will be lost, affecting the taste of the soup. The nutrients in the soup are mainly amino acids. If heated for too long, new substances will be produced and the nutrients will be destroyed. Generally, fish soup is cooked for about 1 hour, while chicken soup and ribs soup are cooked for about 3 hours. If the flavor of soup is emphasized when making soup, it is better to cut the ingredients in cold water, because the hot water will quickly solidify the protein, and it is not easy to release the flavor; If the taste of raw materials is emphasized, it is better to prepare them in hot water, and the taste is fresh and tender. It is forbidden to put too much onion, ginger, cooking wine and other seasonings into the soup to avoid affecting the original flavor of the soup itself. It is also forbidden to put salt too early, because salt will make the protein in the meat coagulate and insoluble.

Sunrise 2024-06-24 11:10:42

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