Remembering hardships and thinking sweetly, you should also choose the right wild vegetables

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Remembering hardships and thinking sweetly, you should also choose the right wild vegetables

Efficacy of four common wild vegetables

Bitter vegetable can inhibit leukemia. The scientific name of bitter vegetable is taking hemp or endive. The stem is yellowish white; The leaves are circular lanceolate, with green surface and grayish green back; The flowers are bright yellow and tongue shaped. The dried bitter vegetables are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper and other elements. Bitter vegetable can clear away heat and dampness, detumescence and discharge pus, remove stasis and detoxification, cool blood and stop bleeding. The concentrated ethanol extract of water decocted bitter cabbage has inhibitory effect on acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute and chronic myeloid leukemia. The more common eating methods include mixed pickles with garlic, mixed pickles with soy sauce, and braised pig liver with pickles.

Stab buds to nourish qi and promote blood circulation. The spiny buds, also called spiny buds, mainly grow in bushes and forest hollows. It is not a herb like other wild vegetables, but a woody plant. Its bark is gray, covered with thick and hard prickles; The flowers are yellowish white; The fruit is a berry, spherical and black. The edible part of thorn buds is mainly its buds, which can play the role of tonifying qi, promoting blood circulation, dispelling wind, promoting dampness, and relieving pain.

Garlic can prevent arteriosclerosis. Xiaogen garlic is also known as Allium macrostemon and Allium macrostemon. Its stems and leaves look like garlic, and also have the flavor of onion and garlic. Its role is to activate yang and dissipate qi, open the chest and disperse knots, promote qi circulation and channel stagnation, treat dysentery, inhibit the rise of peroxides in blood of patients with hyperlipidemia, and prevent atherosclerosis. The main way to eat is to mix small root garlic with tofu, or boil some small root garlic with white fungus porridge.

Horseradish can cure diabetes. Portulaca oleracea, also known as purslane, longevity vegetables. It is generally reddish brown, with thick leaves and long obovate shape. It is named because it looks like a horse tooth. It contains protein, fat, thionine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid and other nutrients. Because there are many acid substances in it, you will feel a little sour when eating.

How to eat wild vegetables at home

There are many ways to eat wild vegetables. After most wild vegetables are washed, they can be blanched with hot water, or mixed, fried or steamed, just like vegetables. Wild vegetables can also be used to cook noodles. A bowl of Chinese toon fried noodles is vegetarian, but it is also delicious; Or it may be finely cut, mixed into wonton and dumplings for filling, and then bitten into the mouth, with a strong fragrance and an unspeakable wonderful taste; When it is dry and heated, a pot of wild vegetable porridge is simmered on a low heat. Thick vegetable juice is wrapped in thick rice paste, which is light and has a long taste. It can also increase the intake of vitamins and cellulose, nourish yin and kidney, and regulate the intestines and stomach.

It is recorded that in the famine years when food was hard to eat, someone invented an eight bowls of wild vegetables in the form of eight bowls of folk dishes: fried chicken fungus, vinegar soaked Houttuynia cordata, plain fried banana flower, mint in clear soup, sugar buckwheat dipped in water, fried Chinese toon, broad bean fried bracken and fungus stewed pig blood. In those days, it would take a lot of effort to make up such eight bowls of vegetables. Nowadays, eating wild vegetables has become a fashionable enjoyment. These plants from the mountains have not only entered the table of ordinary people, but also entered the room. They have been reborn in the hands of many famous chefs, and become a delicacy at the dinner, a veritable delicacy of wild mountains.

Finally, we need to know which wild vegetables are not edible.

Which wild vegetables can't be eaten?

Stellera chamaejasme: also called Heartbreaking Grass. It is 0.5~1 foot high, with light yellow root and sweet taste. The leaves are linear, and the flowers are yellow, white or purple. After eating, you will vomit, burn your heart, and have persistent abdominal pain, which can cause death in serious cases.

Husband Silver: The root is gray when it is in the seedling, and becomes light yellow when it grows up, like a carrot, so it is also called wild carrot. The seedling stem is red, without odor; When grown up, it smells very bad, and leaves and roots are highly toxic. Eating can cause death.

Qucai Niangzi: The leaves are long, narrow, thick and hard, with serrated edges. The leaves grow close to the ground, and the stems are pulled out after autumn, with a height of more than 0.5 to 1 foot. If you eat it, your face will become swollen.

Poisonous celery: also known as wild celery, Pulsatilla, poisonous ginseng. It grows in wet places. The leaves are like celery leaves. They bloom in summer, and the whole tree smells. The whole tree is toxic, and the flower is the most toxic. After eating, nausea, vomiting, cold hands and feet, paralysis of limbs, and even death can be caused in serious cases.

Wildland: The flowers are purple red or yellow, and the shape is like a lip shaped sesame flower. The root is yellow, the leaves are hairy and have a bitter taste. Vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and coma after eating.

When eating wild vegetables, you must know more about them first.

Know the world and not the world 2024-06-24 11:10:26

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