Dry and itchy throat, cough, what to eat

Harsh gentleness Ask questions at 09:15:02, May 25, 2024
Recommended answer

If your throat is dry, itchy and coughing, you can properly eat some foods that can moisten your lungs, stop coughing and moisten your throat, such as crystal sugar sydney water, Sichuan shellfish stewed sydney or honey sydney water. The loquat paste can also be properly boiled with loquat, which is conducive to the relief of cough symptoms. However, if the symptoms can not be significantly relieved through diet, it may be necessary to take timely drug treatment, including oral cough and expectorant drugs and anti allergic drugs. If it is clear that there is bacterial infection, anti infective drugs also need to be added, which is conducive to the relief of symptoms. The specific usage and dosage of drugs should be used under the guidance of the interview doctor.

Harsh gentleness 2024-05-27 11:14:37

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