Drugs for anal fissure

Between water clouds Ask on 2024-05-21 02:25:43
Recommended answer

Anal fissure is generally divided into acute anal fissure and chronic anal fissure according to the duration of the disease. Drugs for acute anal fissure include suppository for anal tamponade and external hemorrhoid ointment. Anal fissure is usually accompanied by constipation. When treating anal fissure, constipation should also be improved. You can eat more coarse fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits, and less spicy and irritating greasy foods. If it can not be improved through diet, oral laxative drugs can be added, and lactulose and fosone can be taken. Generally speaking, through conservative treatment, the acute anal fissure will heal after one week. If the chronic anal fissure may not be effective through conservative treatment of drugs, surgical treatment should be considered.

Between water clouds 2024-05-27 11:14:28

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