Sepsis, pay attention to what food to eat

cool breeze Ask questions on 2024-05-24 01:05:43
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In terms of food selection, patients with sepsis need to increase some high-quality protein, and also need to increase some vegetables and fruits. The intake of these high-quality protein, vegetables and fruits can really provide patients with appropriate supplements in terms of nutrition and energy, and of course, they also need to eat appropriate carbohydrates. In addition to diet, septicemia patients also need to pay attention to hygiene and rest. After the condition is stable, they can strengthen exercise. In fact, the most important thing is to carry out active treatment. For septicemia, timely and correct selection of sensitive antibiotics for anti infection treatment. Most of them can be thoroughly treated, We should choose broad-spectrum and powerful antibiotics to fight infection.

cool breeze 2024-05-27 11:14:44

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