How to know the degree of myopia

The blue sky and white clouds Ask on April 17, 2024 21:32:44
Recommended answer

If you want to know whether you have myopia and the degree of myopia, you need to go to the hospital for optometry to accurately know. The optometry method of adults and children is slightly different. For children under 12 years of age, it is usually required to do it under the condition of mydriasis. Because children's eyes have a strong adjustment, they need to use mydriasis drugs to remove the adjustment function of ciliary muscles in order to get accurate results of ametropia. Commonly used drugs mainly include two kinds, compound tropicamide eye drops and atropine sulfate eye gel, atropine sulfate eye gel is commonly used by children under 6 years old, and compound tropicamide eye drops can be used by children and adolescents over 6 years old and under 12 years old. Adults can accurately understand the degree of ametropia through direct computer optometry and audition.

The blue sky and white clouds 2024-04-22 11:51:37

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