Treatment of gynecological mycoplasma infection

Quiet water ripples Ask on April 18, 2024 05:31:03
Recommended answer

Gynecological mycoplasma infection is a common gynecological disease, which can be effectively alleviated in most patients after treatment. The treatment of gynaecological mycoplasma infection is usually to find out the cause of disease, and under the guidance of professional doctors, patients take macrolides for mycoplasma. Generally, after the treatment of standardized procedures, the symptoms can be improved after about two weeks of treatment. During treatment, attention should be paid to the fact that mycoplasma infection is a sexually transmitted disease, so the sexual life objects of patients should also go to the hospital for mycoplasma examination and treatment. In addition, in daily life, you should try to avoid washing your personal clothes together with your family's personal clothes.

Quiet water ripples 2024-04-22 11:51:52

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