What if there are cockroaches on the dormitory bed

Missing happiness Ask questions on June 5, 2024-17:26:40
Recommended answer

If there are cockroaches on the dormitory bed, the following are some possible solutions:

1. Sanitation: cockroaches usually breed in unclean places, so it is very important to keep the dormitory clean and sanitary. The breeding of cockroaches can be reduced by cleaning the dormitory every day, especially the kitchen and toilet, and removing garbage and food residues.

2. Use pesticides: You can use pesticides to kill cockroaches. There are many kinds of pesticides on the market, such as sprays, powders and baits. Read the instructions carefully before use and use according to the instructions.

3. Use the catcher: The catcher is a non-toxic method that can help catch cockroaches. The number of cockroaches can be effectively controlled by placing the traps in places where cockroaches often haunt, such as corners, kitchens and toilets.

4. Seek professional help: If none of the above methods can solve the problem, you can seek professional help. Professional pest control companies can provide more effective methods to kill cockroaches, and can provide long-term control measures to prevent the recurrence of cockroaches.

In short, keeping the dormitory clean and sanitary is the best way to prevent cockroaches from breeding. If cockroaches have appeared, you can use pesticides, traps and other methods to control the number, or seek professional help.

Missing happiness 2024-06-11 11:32:27

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