What to pay attention to after pleurisy is cured

Literary man Ask questions at 17:12:47, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

After the pleurisy is cured, we should pay attention to taking more rest at ordinary times, and we should reasonably match our diet and have a good mood. Add more protein or vitamin containing foods, such as milk, eggs, lean meat, fruits and green vegetables, and make sure that the condition is completely improved before stopping the medication. It is recommended to go outdoors to breathe fresh air and take proper exercise to relax. Also, pay attention to personal hygiene, change clothes frequently, drink more water, or go to the hospital for reexamination later. Pay attention not to smoke, drink or take strenuous exercise. If you feel persistent pain or inflammation in your chest, you should go to the hospital in time.

Literary man 2024-06-03 12:21:02

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