What to do if toothache causes neuralgia

Cold light bamboo shadow Ask on 2024-03-25 04:26:31
Recommended answer

Neuralgia caused by toothache can be relieved by oral analgesic drugs, and then go to the hospital stomatology department for root canal treatment. Toothache causes neuralgia, usually caused by caries, periapical periodontitis, tooth wear, etc., which requires specific examination in the hospital stomatology department. The mild cases can be repaired, and the severe cases need root canal treatment in time to fill and repair after the inflammation is eliminated. Finally, wear braces to protect teeth and prevent teeth from cracking. At ordinary times, pay attention to the cleanliness of the oral cavity, and regularly go to the hospital to check the teeth. If there is pain, treat it as soon as possible to avoid delaying the condition.

Cold light bamboo shadow 2024-04-01 16:53:43

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