How to treat mycoplasma cervicitis

Live well Ask questions at 16:54:55 on September 30, 2023
Recommended answer

Mycoplasma associated with cervicitis is generally found in gynecological examination, and the treatment of mycoplasma is the main. Generally, azithromycin and doxycycline are taken orally. If there is any allergy to this drug, it is recommended to see a doctor in time and use the drug according to the doctor's instructions. Mycoplasma treatment usually lasts about one week. During the treatment, it is recommended to avoid sexual life as far as possible to prevent cross infection. After the mycoplasma is fully recovered, leucorrhea returns to normal and cervical screening is performed. If the cervical screening is normal, cervicitis does not need treatment. Usually, pay attention to keeping the vulva clean, try to use condoms to prevent cross infection when sleeping together, pay attention to exercise, increase resistance, and help the disease return to normal.

Live well 2023-10-09 11:59:30

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