Can children's purpura be cured

Gentle wind and warm sun Ask on April 5, 2024:26:09
Recommended answer

The common purpura in children includes purpura with increased intravascular pressure, anaphylactoid purpura and thrombocytopenic purpura. In general, purpura with increased intravascular pressure is due to the sudden increase of intravascular pressure, resulting in purpura like rash, such as severe cough, loud crying, sucking cavity objects and producing perioral purpura, which is defined as purpura with increased intravascular pressure, and does not need treatment. It can disappear after a few days. Allergic purpura is mostly related to upper respiratory tract infection. It is necessary to avoid fatigue, pay attention to rest, follow the doctor's advice, regularly review the urine routine, and generally it can be cured. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is mostly related to infection and can be treated well. It is recommended to choose a regular hospital for treatment.

Gentle wind and warm sun 2024-04-07 11:58:07

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