Can I drink lemonade when I have a cold

morale should be boosted not dampened Ask on 02:02:15, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

You can drink lemonade during a cold. Lemonade is rich in vitamin C, which can enhance the body's resistance to foreign cold viruses or bacteria, thus promoting the recovery of colds. If you have a slight cold, drink more lemonade to recover yourself. If it is a serious cold, drinking lemonade while taking cold medicine can promote the recovery of the cold and reduce the duration of the cold. At this time, it's better to drink lemonade at night. During the day, supplement a large amount of vitamin C, which is prone to oxidation and darkening the skin. It's better to drink lemonade at night. If the cold symptoms are serious, cold medicine should also be used at this time, for example, Ankahuangmin capsule, Vitamin C Yinqiao tablet or Gankang can be used to treat adults. If children can use Ganmao Qingre Granule, Xiaoer Baiqiao Qingre Granule, or Xiaoer Paracetamol Pseudoephedrine Dispersible Tablets to treat colds, the effect is very good.

morale should be boosted not dampened 2024-04-07 12:04:11

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