What does it mean to be afraid of cold

Life is as light as tea Ask questions on 2024-03-30 08:28:36
Recommended answer

In traditional Chinese medicine, fear of cold and cold limbs is a case of fear of cold and wind. It is a manifestation of kidney yang deficiency, and it is also caused by ignoring the crisis of the body. The constitution prone to coldness is usually accompanied by kidney yang deficiency, some backache, fatigue, fatigue and other symptoms. It can be recuperated with promised drugs, such as Shenrong Health Pill, Wuji Baifeng Pill, Aifu Nuanggong Pill, etc., which can alleviate the cold and cold limbs. In addition, On diet, you can eat more warm mutton, ginger, red dates, medlar, jujube, etc. with soaking in water. In addition, you must pay attention to proper exercise. Exercise is a good auxiliary function for regulating endocrine. Keep a good mood, pay attention to exercise, slowly improve your own physique, keep warm when going out, and try not to stay up late.

Life is as light as tea 2024-04-01 16:58:23

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