How to deal with the baby's repeated high fever

A young life Ask on 2024-03-31 20:01:09
Recommended answer

If the baby has recurrent high fever, he should go to the hospital in time to have C-reactive protein, blood routine test and chest X-ray examination. After a clear diagnosis, some symptomatic drugs will be used for treatment. High fever is mostly caused by bacterial infection and viral infection, which should be handled according to the baby's specific conditions. First of all, we should give physical cooling, give children more warm water, give antipyretic patches, give warm water baths or wipe large blood vessels with warm water. If the child's temperature still does not drop, antibiotics or antiviral treatment should be given under the guidance of the doctor. It is not allowed to increase the dosage of antipyretic drugs to the child at will because the child has a high fever.

A young life 2024-04-01 16:53:11

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