What is the cause of lady's right lower abdomen pain

Winter about summer solstice Ask on April 4, 2024 01:29:12
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for right lower abdominal pain. It is necessary to focus on excluding appendicitis. The typical clinical manifestation of appendicitis is metastatic right lower abdominal pain. Patients can have an abdominal B ultrasound or CT examination and exclusion related diagnosis. For right lower abdominal pain, it is also important to rule out whether there is a right ureteral lesion, such as a right ureteral stone. If it is caused by a stone, it can be considered for lithotripsy or surgery. Female patients should also focus on excluding the right ovarian lesions, such as ovarian cysts. Severe ovarian cysts may need surgical treatment. The above health science knowledge is only for reference, and the specific situation needs to go to a regular hospital for timely inspection and treatment by doctors. Do not diagnose or treat yourself.

Winter about summer solstice 2024-04-07 11:59:34

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