What about bruising after drawing blood from the arm

Change yourself Ask questions at 12:25:05 on April 3, 2024
Recommended answer

The bruising of the arm after blood drawing mainly includes the following treatment methods: first, cold compress, such as putting a towel wrapped ice bag on the bruising place, etc. It needs to be cold compress within 24 hours, which can promote the vasoconstriction and reduce the fluid leakage in the blood vessels. Second, hot compress. After 24 hours, hot compress can be applied locally to promote tissue metabolism and absorb congestion. Third, it can be treated with oral and external drugs, mainly Chinese medicine with the function of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, such as Panax notoginseng, Chuanxiong, etc. The patient needs to carry out the above treatment under the guidance of the doctor, otherwise the treatment may be ineffective and may delay the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Change yourself 2024-04-07 11:12:47

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