What is the sudden fall and twitch

Listen to the sound of drizzle Ask questions at 19:55:04, March 31, 2024
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The first reason for this is that epilepsy is a disease. If the epilepsy has a general tetanic seizure, the patient can suddenly fall to the ground, and there are clinical manifestations of loss of consciousness, limb twitching, closed teeth, and even incontinence in urine and urine. In this case, the patient's head must be turned to one side to prevent suffocation, Keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. Attention should be paid to the timely establishment of venous access, the termination of seizures as soon as possible, and attention should be paid to further clarify the causes of epilepsy, targeted treatment. The second reason is to pay attention to heart disease. If the patient has severe myocardial infarction, malignant arrhythmia, or similar symptoms, improve the ECG examination.

Listen to the sound of drizzle 2024-04-01 16:44:33

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