How is menstruation little and black to return a responsibility?

If the youth is as green as before Ask on 2024-03-28 03:22:10
Recommended answer

The menstruation of women is closely related to qi and blood. According to the five tones and five tastes of Lingshu, the birth of women is more than qi, but less than blood. Therefore, there are many reasons for the disorder of qi and blood. If there is less and dark menstruation, traditional Chinese medicine mostly believes that it may be closely related to blood deficiency or blood stasis. If it is a congenital deficiency, the biochemical imbalance of qi and blood, and the source is insufficient, leading to the loss of Chong Ren and the lack of blood. If the uterus is not nourished, menstruation will be delayed, and menstruation will be too little. If qi and blood are deficient and blood circulation is weak, blood stasis will form, or because of emotional injury, which will lead to qi stagnation and blood stasis. Blood stasis can block Chong Ren and Du meridians from staying in the uterus, which will lead to poor blood circulation, dark menstruation, and dysmenorrhea.

If the youth is as green as before 2024-04-01 16:54:17

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