What to do about baby asthma

Old look of empty city Ask on April 4, 2024 01:01:41
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for infantile asthma, which is often caused by virus or bacteria infection, and can also be seen in asthma under allergic conditions. If it is considered that asthma attacks caused by allergy should be looked for allergens to avoid re exposure or ingestion of allergens, so that asthma will not recur. If it is a viral or bacterial infection that causes respiratory diseases and asthma, antiviral treatment should be given to the virus, and interferon can be used for atomization treatment. If it is bacterial infection, it can be treated with cephalosporins or penicillin drugs, such as cefaclor, amoxicillin, etc. Whether it is viral or bacterial infection, or asthma caused by allergy, symptomatic treatment is very important, and infants can be given anti asthma drugs. In addition, atomization can also be carried out to relieve asthma. For example, budesonide atomization solution plus salbutamol atomization solution can be selected for atomization treatment.

Old look of empty city 2024-04-07 11:15:11

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