How to Relieve Pain of Bone Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma

A faint smell of smoke Ask questions at 03:41:37 on April 4, 2024
Recommended answer

Renal cell carcinoma is prone to bone metastasis. When the focus of bone metastasis is very serious, bone pain will occur. This kind of pain relief mainly includes two aspects: first, diclofenac sodium and other drugs can be taken for direct pain relief treatment. The second aspect is to deal with bone metastasis. Zolephosphate and other drugs can be used for bone metastasis. After bone metastasis treatment, cancerous pain may be relieved or even disappear. Renal cancer is a very common disease in clinic, and the incidence of urological tumors is the second. In case of kidney cancer, color ultrasound, CT and other relevant examinations should be carried out to make a clear diagnosis, and appropriate treatment methods should be selected, including partial nephrectomy, radical nephrectomy and so on.

A faint smell of smoke 2024-04-07 11:57:27

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