How to treat cervical spondylosis with nerve compression

Plum Orchid in Northern China Ask on March 26, 2024-03:17:04
Recommended answer

There are two methods for the treatment of cervical spondylosis compression: conservative and surgical, including cervical immobilization, drug treatment, surgical reduction treatment, etc., which should be determined according to the condition of the patient. Non operative conservative treatment can be selected, including neck immobilization and drug treatment, such as painkillers, such as ibuprofen. Consult your doctor for specific medication. It can alleviate symptoms and prevent further development of the disease. Surgical reduction can restore the normal shape of the nerves, effectively restore the function of the waist and neck, and relieve the symptoms of nerve compression. It usually requires active surgical treatment and can be fully recovered. After the operation, you must strictly rest in bed, rest mainly, and not excessive exercise. X-ray examination can be improved before operation to judge the degree and cause of nerve compression in the neck, and consult the doctor to formulate corresponding treatment plan. If after surgery, you must strictly rest in bed, rest mainly, and not excessive exercise.

Plum Orchid in Northern China 2024-04-01 16:58:09

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