How to treat stuffy nose, cough and white phlegm

one 's mind settles as still water Ask on 2024-03-30 06:21:43
Recommended answer

Patients with symptoms such as nasal congestion, cough and white sputum can be treated by local medication, oral medication and other methods. First of all, local atomization treatment can be carried out on the nasal cavity and throat of the patient, and budesonide and other hormone drugs can be used for atomization. The congestion and edema of nasal cavity and throat mucosa will be improved. The corresponding nasal congestion, cough and sputum breeding will gradually subside. Secondly, for such symptoms, if it is caused by a viral cold, taking antiviral drugs can effectively alleviate them. If it is caused by bacterial sinusitis, bacterial pharyngitis and other diseases, the use of antibiotics orally can also effectively alleviate the symptoms.

one 's mind settles as still water 2024-04-01 16:48:25

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