What is prostatitis

Rainy Rose Ask questions on 2024-03-27 20:33:18
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The etiology of prostatitis is still unclear, which may be related to viral infection. Patients with prostatitis may suffer from dizziness, eyeball vibration, vomiting, acid water vomiting and other symptoms. Once the above symptoms occur, you should go to the neurology department in time. At present, the treatment methods include drug treatment and traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy, which are selected according to the patient's pathogenic factors and symptoms. The disease can heal itself. If no treatment is given, most patients can heal themselves in about two weeks, and some patients need treatment to recover. At present, there is no specific method to reduce the incidence rate, and only by enhancing physical exercise and increasing nutrition intake can respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases be avoided.

Rainy Rose 2024-04-01 16:52:20

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