How to deal with itching after scab formation of herpes zoster

Love you as always Ask questions at 17:47:36 on April 4, 2024
Recommended answer

There are several treatment methods for itching after scab formation of herpes zoster: first, we should actively remove the cause and actively treat the primary disease, that is, antiviral treatment. Secondly, symptomatic treatment is needed. Generally, various antipruritic ointment is applied externally to relieve itching. Again, because some patients have very obvious symptoms of itching, which seriously affects the quality of life, and patients often scratch to cause local skin rupture and bleeding, thus secondary to other infection symptoms, causing the course of the disease to delay. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the local rash clean and dry to reduce the risk of bacterial infection. At ordinary times, it is recommended to wear loose clothes to reduce the risk of local friction and rash rupture. It is strictly prohibited to use nails to cut scabbed parts. Finally, ultraviolet light or infrared light can be used for local irradiation to help alleviate the symptoms of local itching.

Love you as always 2024-04-07 11:15:18

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