How to deal with perianal itching

Thank you for your time Ask on April 3, 2024-07:33:59
Recommended answer

Perianal pruritus is caused by perianal eczema except perianal pruritus. Due to the anatomical position around the anus, each defecation will lead to skin and soft tissue pollution or damage, and it is also easy to form secondary eczema. If perianal itching is accompanied by perianal dampness, perianal eczema can be considered. The patient will also have obvious itching and pain, accompanied by fever and serious secondary infection. In addition, the repeated attacks of hemorrhoids patients will affect the venous blood return of anus, leading to obvious bloody exudation and itching. Patients with anal fistula also have obvious itching in the process of rehabilitation. If simple itching is not accompanied by any other uncomfortable symptoms, anal itching should be considered. Clinically, it is recommended to treat anal pruritus by surgery, using closed injection and subcutaneous nerve free block. If perianal itching, damp, accompanied by odor, and often feces, water and secretions stimulate perianal, considering anal fistula, surgery is also required.

Thank you for your time 2024-04-07 12:02:59

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