How to deal with allergic rhinitis during pregnancy

Keep away from dust Ask questions at 11:34:52 on April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

The following points are worth noting: first, block allergens. If it is an animal's fur allergy, pets such as cats and dogs at home should be isolated and try to avoid contact with pets. If it is dust mite allergy, it is necessary to do a good job in the sanitation of the surrounding environment, such as the cleaning of air conditioners, sheets and bedding, etc. Second, if the symptoms are serious, you can use normal saline or hypertonic saline to clean the nasal cavity, which can reach 4-5 times a day. Third, if the nasal congestion is very serious, you can use hot compress, that is, use a hot towel to cover the external nose, which can effectively restore the ventilation of the nasal cavity, or take a cup of hot water, which can relieve the nasal congestion when the steam from drug abuse comes into the nasal cavity. It is not recommended to use local or systemic drugs to treat allergic rhinitis.

Keep away from dust 2024-04-07 11:55:02

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