How can you see that menstruation is coming?

Old Gun Ask questions at 00:45:48, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

Some women will have obvious premenstrual syndrome before menstruation, such as headache, breast pain, limb edema, decreased motor coordination function, mental and behavioral changes, irritability, anxiety, changes in sleep and sexual desire, and lack of concentration. Some people will also have obvious dysmenorrhea, which is a premonitory symptom before menstruation. Some women's menstruation is not obvious. If women have delayed menstruation, some pregnancy symptoms will be somewhat the same as premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, relevant examinations need to be carried out. If the time of the last sexual intercourse has exceeded ten days, blood can be drawn to check HCG. If there is an increase, pregnancy may be considered and continuous monitoring is needed.

Old Gun 2024-04-07 11:11:15

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