Can bronchiectasis still be strenuous exercise

Complete Ask questions on April 1, 2024-13:09:43
Recommended answer

Severe exercise is not recommended for patients with bronchiectasis. For patients with bronchiectasis, there will be repeated coughing and declining lung function. Therefore, even patients in the early stage of the disease are not recommended to take strenuous exercise. Because this will increase the burden of patients' bronchi, leading to increased discomfort. If patients with bronchiectasis need to exercise, it is better to choose some items with relatively small amount of exercise and intensity, such as tai chi, yoga, jogging, etc., and determine the exercise time according to their personal conditions. In case of obvious asthma, stop and rest to avoid aggravating the original bronchiectasis. For patients with bronchiectasis, nutrition should be strengthened at ordinary times to avoid colds, colds and fatigue.

Complete 2024-04-07 11:54:01

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