What's wrong with white particles under the glans

Who will accompany me to watch the stars Ask questions at 22:03:33, April 1, 2024
Recommended answer

If the patient has a history of unclean sexual behavior, these granular substances can be seen in condyloma acuminatum or genital herpes, and they need to go to the dermatology and venereology department for diagnosis and treatment. If the patient has no such medical history, the small milky white rice like bumps distributed along the coronal groove of the glans have no other discomfort, such as redness, swelling and pain of the glans, as well as irritation symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency, most of which are called pearl warts. This is a mild viral infection. It is neither invasive nor infectious. Most of them do not need special treatment. They just need to pay attention to personal hygiene, wash with clean water every day, maintain a regular and moderate sexual life, and avoid unclean sexual behavior.

Who will accompany me to watch the stars 2024-04-07 11:58:24

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